TeamSpeak Help
I am very new to using Teamspeak. I have never used it before and I am having trouble connecting to the guild server. I have looked all over the site for some answers, maybe I am not looking in the right place, but could someone help me please. thank you.
This may help you better:
1. Download and install the TeamSpeak Client: (Choose the client for your OS/and type 32 or 64bit)
2. After installing the client, add the TS1 and TS2 servers to the bookmark list:
Edit the Nickname: (use your ESO userID, and put any nickname or info you want in Parenthesis) EG: @Ravalox (Steve)
Be sure to enter the server password (as noted on the Guild Description in gmae and/or on the website TS info post)
You can also enter a phonetic name (recommended ) to avoid the TS clients with speech enabled from reading off the notes .. In the example, the phonetic name is "Joe Cool". If it was not present, the TS client would read out @ ESO hyphen userID parathesis test account etc ... not pretty.
If you want to automatically connect to the BoR TS1 server when you launch TeamSpeak, check the "Connect on Startup" checkbox at the bottom left corner. Once you save this entry, you should also create a new entry for for times when the TS1 server is offline.
Let me know if this helps you, or if you have additional questions.
BTW - to enable speech announcements download and install this plugin: (though I'd suggest getting the main program working first before playing with this).
Ravalox Darkshire - Bosmer Archer
Developer: Ravalox' and Wykkyd's ESO addOns
Co-Founder Brotherhood of Redemption ESO Branch
One day I shall come back, yes, I shall come back. Until then there must be no tears, no fears, no anxieties, just go forward with all your beliefs and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.