Bank and Treasury Rules
Guild Bank Rules
The banking rules are to be included in the (public) guild rules forum of the BoR website and provided to the new members via a new member packet or handbook. A condensed “bullet” format of the rules is to be posted in the member’s forum section under BoR bank forum or equivalent as a sticky locked post. (The bulleted list can be found in the appendix of this document)
The BoR will maintain a minimum of two guild banks. The main guild bank can be referred to as a pantry. This is where ad hoc consumable items should be placed for member use. This includes potions, food, and recipes; in addition, crafting materials and items to be broken down by BoR registered crafters can be deposited.
To minimize repetition, items, materials and food (etc …) to be deposited into the BoR banks may be referred to as "stuff" in this document.
The secondary bank(s) will be used in a warehouse capacity to store bulk crafting materials and items submitted to the bank or Quartermaster (QM) for guild use. The items will be inventoried by the QM and made available to any BoR member making a request for something from the inventory (first come, first served).
When depositing items of any kind, the member releases ownership, or any intended purpose for those items. If you deposit Items, Mats or gold into the BoR bank, consider it donated the second you click the button (even if in error). If the deposited "stuff" cannot be retrieved, the guild member will have no recourse and should not contact or harass the person who removed the “stuff”. This rule is in effect to prevent misunderstandings, hurt feelings and arguments amongst guild members.
There is one exception to this rule, in the event a member erroneously deposits gold into the guild bank, they will have up to 24 hours to file a request to recover the funds deposited. The deposit must be verifiable via the guild bank logs.
Under no circumstances, is the "stuff" found in, or items created from the "stuff" the in the guild banks to be sold for gold by the guild membership to anyone. The only exception to this is when the guild staff removes "junk" items from the guild banks and liquidates them to place the gold into the treasury.
The Brotherhood of Redemption bank rules will be modified periodically based on in game changes and member needs that affect the methods laid out in this document. All rules will fall within the framework of the BoR Constitution and Bylaws.
Guild Treasury:
BoR gold will be stored in the main BoR Bank ensuring that all members can see the treasury level. Gold donated to the BoR treasury will be used for guild-wide purposes only. Gold will not be given or lent out to any single or group of members. As opposed to other "stuff" placed in the guild banks, gold deposited into the guild bank can be recovered if requested within 24 hours of deposit.
In the event a BoR member erroneously deposits gold into the Guild Bank, the member will have 24 hours to file a request for refund with a guild officer. A screen shot of the logs showing the deposit should be included with the request and verified in game by BoR officers. A screen shot of the log is to be attached to a post in the council forum indicating the refund request was made in accordance with the rules. Once a refund request is sent, the matter can be addressed and settled within an additional 96 hours. Refunds are not to be made until after the request is posted in the council forums; once the log of the deposit is acknowledged by the council, the funds will be released by the GM or Deputies and the council forum post updated to reflect the transaction.
The GM and deputy GMs will have the ability to withdraw gold. The GM and deputies are permitted to withdraw funds from the BoR bank for purposes that meet with the banking rules or have been accepted by a vote during a full guild member meeting.
Non recurring withdrawals are to be made after a vote of the membership either during a scheduled membership meeting with adequate notice, or via a website Guild Member poll. If a poll vote is to be used, then a minimum of ten days are to be allotted for the poll and must be configured for Guild Members only. The membership should be notified of either type of impending vote via Website and in-game Email.
Recurring withdrawals can be made after a vote of the membership as described in the non recurring withdrawal passage above, with the understanding that if the withdrawals must exceed the approved amounts, then a new vote must be made to approve the changes prior to implementing them.
In the event the Guild treasury balance falls to a level that will only allow two additional recurring withdrawals, the recurring withdrawals must be suspended and the membership must be advised so either adjustments can be made to the existing scheduled withdrawals, or so fund raising steps can be taken to replenish the treasury.
Guild funds are only to be used for in game purposes that benefit the entire guild. Guild gold will not be loaned, given or awarded to any individual or group of members.
The events committee maintains a separate cache of gold and “stuff” for use in BoR sponsored events which will be referred to as the “prize fund”. This fund is used for rewards in certain BoR events scheduled by the Events Committee and is not to be considered for any use outside of supporting BoR events. Gold and "stuff" held by the Events Committee must be maintained in accordance with the main guild treasury rules as applicable. The events prize fund contents will be listed in an Events Committee thread under the QM forum for membership reference. The BoR Event prize fund is to be held by the Events Officer or a member of the events committee designated as the Assistant Events Officer. The prize fund may be kept in the BoR warehouse bank if the Events Committee desires.
Guild Store and Kiosks aka Guild Trader hirelings:
The BoR maintains a guild store as part of the in game guild mechanics. The guild store itself requires no gold to maintain, or interaction from guild leadership.
The guild store may be extended into Cyrodiil by way of the guild maintaining ownership of a resource within controlled territory (such as a farm, mine or keep), this too requires no guild resources to maintain.
ESO also has provisions for guilds to hire Merchant Traders (Kiosks) who will extend the guild store visibility into the PvE zones of Tamriel. The Kiosks are pre-placed in the cities of each zone. Kiosks normally are hired on a weekly basis via a bidding process. The bidding is blind (no indication as to what the other bids are) and the bid is only refundable if and when the guild looses the bid cycle. Bidding is always done during the week prior to the week the Kiosk will be in place if won.
The guild may make one bid on any one Kiosk each week. Bidding closes at 08:00 am each Monday (ET). If the guild has the highest bid, then the Kiosk will wear the BoR tabard and make our guild store available to all players who access it until 08:00 the following Monday.
In the event the BoR does not win the bid, any Kiosk not actively hired as of 08:00 Monday can be hired outright for the week for a nominal fee.
Kiosks are only an additional access point for non-members to access the BoR store. All rules pertaining to the guild store remain in effect.
No BoR member at any rank is permitted to sell or use materials to make items to sell that are taken from the BoR bank or warehouses. Members who do so will face penalties including and/or leading to removal from the guild.
BoR Guild Store
ESO has a guild store mechanic that allows guild members to place stuff up for sale, either to fellow guild mates or non member players if certain conditions are met (such as maintaining a resource in Cyrodiil or bidding on a Kiosk weekly).
The Guild Store is not a profit center for the guild; it is maintained as a courtesy to the members and provides an outlet for members to sell wares for their own profit. The BoR will not stock the store, or replenish its stock in any way.
Members are not to sell stuff derived from the guild bank or warehouse under any circumstances. The BoR banks are maintained for internal purposes and not for preparation or warehousing of stuff for sale in the Store or Kiosk.
BoR Kiosk strategy
The locations will be in each Daggerfall Covenant zone of incrementing level, with Adventure Zones interleaved from the bottom up. Note that the Adventure Zones are expected to be Veteran Level content. The preferred locations will be the capital cities where applicable. In the event the guild is consistently outbid in any specific location or unable to obtain a Kiosk in the current rotation zone then the guild may shift to other location in that zone or the next zone if needed.
The rotation structure allows for the crafters to know ahead of time what level items to prepare for the following week(s) based on zone levels.
BoR initial Kiosk cycle chart:
Rotation (Zone) City Level Range
1. (Glenumbra) Daggerfall [lvl 3-15]
2. Adventure Zone D [Veteran] *add forth*
3. (Stormhaven) Wayrest [lvl 15-25]
4. Adventure Zone C [Veteran] *add third*
5. (Rivenspire) Shornhelm [lvl 25-35]
6. Adventure Zone B [Veteran] *add second*
7. (Alik’r Desert) Sentinel [lvl 35-40]
8. Adventure Zone A [Veteran] *add first*
9. (Bangkorai) Evermore [lvl 40-45]
10. (Craglorn) Balkorth [Veteran]
BoR bidding rules
Since the bidding is limitless, the BoR must budget a portion of the treasury for Kiosk bids to ensure solvency. An initial budget will be determined by vote during an officer’s meeting, including a minimum bid amount.
Note: Council voted to make the minimum bid 1013 GP and to allow the budget to range up to the 25% cap, to be reviewed for revision once we have tracking data from a baseline. Budgeting will be revisited after ESO v1.4 is released.
Since there is no mechanic in game to do a historical cost analysis of any Kiosk, a base amount of gold must be determined to make bids. This amount is to be a number the BoR is comfortable with as a minimum bid each week.
The guild will not bid using sums that exceed 25% or the treasury or exceed the established track record for a given Kiosk (whichever is lower). Bidding a large amount of gold on a Kiosk when the revenue from the Kiosk is less than the bid amount or outbidding for the sole purpose of notoriety will cause a negative cash flow condition and is not to be permitted.
The BoR will need to keep records of winning bids, total income from the Kiosk, and which Kiosk was used each week. This is not meant to be detailed book keeping, however a minimal tracking of this kind is required to determine if a given Kiosk maintains a return on investment (ROI), or if the location has a negative income. Additional resources may become available (such as websites or other forums) which will provide statistics on recent Kiosk costs, which can assist BoR Officers in determining changes that may be required.
At no time will no more than 25% of the bank balance be used for a Kiosk bid.
Treasury Funding:
The Kiosk and Store mechanics provide for a tax which is automatically collected and deposited into the guild bank. The methods set forth in this document are designed to allow the BoR Store and Kiosk to operate within its means.
In the event additional funding is required, the Elder Council will discuss options at a meeting and take steps, including but not limited to fund raiser events, raffles, or additional taxes to rectify the deficit. In the event this measure is invoked, the BoR will only continue to collect funding while the deficit exists.
BoR guild bank structure and use:
The main (pantry) bank
Primary (pantry) guild bank usage
Crafting materials placed in the BoR main bank are to be used for the purpose of leveling a members crafting skill or creating items for BoR member use.
Glyphs, weapons, armor, clothes placed in the main (pantry) bank are available for BoR registered crafter breakdown use.
Items and materials can be deposited into the main bank. Members are asked NOT to deposit "for gold only" items into the BoR banks. This action creates additional work for the guild staff. If a player has items they want to donate to the guild for the purposes of liquidation; where the resulting gold would be given to the guild for future use, they should liquidate the items and deposit the gold into the BoR bank instead. Members depositing "Junk" items repeatedly may be contacted by the QM.
Specific type of consumable items should be stocked in the main (pantry) bank for guild use. The list of items will change as time goes on; the QM will maintain a list of preferred and un-desired items/mats in the Quartermaster forum on the BoR website.
The desired stocking requirements will change mainly based on the timely use of the items (or their sitting on the shelf for an extended period of time)
General guild bank usage
BoR Recruits (members in probation) and the Limited Access rank (suspended members) will not have withdrawal access from the BoR Pantry. Recruits may make a request of the QM, or BoR staff if items or mats are required. This process allows the new members to become familiar with the BoR rules and allows BoR staff to evaluate recruits. When members successfully complete probation, they will be upgraded to full members and will then have access to withdraw items from the main BoR (Pantry) bank. Members placed in the Limited Access rank will not have any access to BoR resources.
All BoR members are permitted to withdraw “stuff” from the main (Pantry) bank in reasonable amounts for personal use.
If crafting; members are required to register on the BoR crafters registry sheet (see the Craftmaster for details) to ensure the members and Quartermaster are aware you may be pulling "stuff" for crafting purposes out of the bank. BoR registered crafters have the right to secure key resources required for any member's crafting request.
Hoarding "stuff" obtained from the BoR banks is not permitted.
When removing (or requesting) items with character level requirements from the banks, be sure to keep in mind the level of the character which will be using the items. These items should be below, at the character's level, or up to two levels above their character. Taking or requesting and storing “stuff” for future use deny other eligible members the use of these items.
Members should not remove large quantities of "stuff" from the BoR banks. Though the rules do not specify numbers allowed per member in a timeframe, members are to use good judgment in their withdrawals. For example, if there is a single stack of 100 Mountain Flowers in the bank, the member should not remove the entire stack; a reasonable amount should be taken, allowing other members the opportunity to use the resources as well. A member can remove the entire quantity of a resource if the total quantity present is equal or less than 20.
Excessive withdrawals of "stuff" from the BoR banks may be questioned by BoR staff, with action being taken by suspending the member until the matter can be brought in front of the council if determined to be an issue.
Items/Mats should never be withdrawn from BoR banks for sale or to create items for sale. These actions are subject to suspension and review by the council leading up to or including ejection from the guild.
Apart from specific "stuff" identified in these rules, any material, Item or consumable should not be allowed to take up more than three slots in the main (pantry) bank. This includes non-stackable items such as recipes. The QM and BoR staff designated by the QM has the authority to trim levels as needed. Examples include but are not limited to: 3 stacks of a specific potion, three stacks of a specific rune, or three of a specific recipe.
Exemptions to the BoR inventory rules
* Armor and weapons are not expected to stay in the bank for more than 24 hours or so (as they are to be used for breakdown), so they have an exemption from the 3 slot rule, but may be trimmed by the QM if they stay idle too long.
* AvA items are exempt from the three slot limit, but will be managed by the QM by placing excess items into the Warehouse bank(s).
Bank Management
Due to ESOs (current) limited ability to stack items in a guild bank, all BoR staff, will be asked to run "Roomba" or a similar BoR approved bank stacking utility to ensure the overall inventory levels are kept under control whenever they access the bank. The QM and the QM’s designated BoR staff (as listed in the QM Forum) are the only BoR members who should remove items from the main (pantry) bank for transfer to the Secondary (warehouse) bank.
If a member has "stuff" they feel should be placed into the warehouse, they are to contact the QM or BoR staff to make the donation. "Stuff" to be donated should never be deposited into the main (pantry) bank. If BoR staff receives "stuff" to reserve, they must notify the QM with the details and/or send the items/mats to the QM immediately.
A complete list of items desired and not desired in the BoR banks is to be maintained by the Quartermaster in a dedicated (locked sticky) post in the Banking/QM forum.
Secondary (warehouse) guild bank(s)
These banks will be maintained by the BoR Quartermaster. The additional guilds required to host the secondary bank(s) will be named BoR Warehouse #, where # equals the warehouse number. The first warehouse guild will be "BoR Warehouse 1". The warehouse guild membership will contain only the minimum number of BoR officers and staff required to maintain an ESO Guild bank. The items stored in the warehouse will be posted in an inventory report on the BoR website so members will be aware of the material levels the Guild is maintaining and items available for request.
Guild members are not to create guilds for the purpose of supporting the BoR. In the event an issue is detected by members that appear to justify additional guild bank space, members should bring these issues to the attention of the council when they are detected to ensure action.
The BoR officers will create additional "warehouse" space as required, and only by a vote of the council. This provision is to ensure that in the event additional materials are added into the game, or elevated use of one or more particular materials fills the warehouse, the BoR staff may react accordingly to ensure the Guild is properly stocked. Only BoR officers will be considered for GM of such a secondary guild used for warehousing purposes.
Secondary (warehouse) guild bank usage
The Secondary (warehouse) bank space will be used to store materials, AvA items, specific consumables (such as potions) and Non-crafted items (items received in game from loot drops).
"Stuff" requested from the Warehouse should be accompanied by a description detailing what the “stuff” will be used for. If the request includes materials, the description should include which member they are making crafting for.
Warehouse stores are not to be used for leveling a crafters skill. They are to be used when creating items for guild member use.
Items (armor, weapons etc) that members find and want to donate to the guild specifically for use by members (as opposed to being used for de-construction use) should deliver such items directly to the Quartermaster or designated staff. Crafted items should not be sent to the QM for storage in the warehouse.
In the event of material shortages, the Quartermaster may post requests for donations to the "BoR warehouse" or may work with the Event Committee in organizing material hunts to assist BoR in maintaining warehouse levels of commonly used Materials.
An Item inventory will be posted on the BoR website with a list of the items being held for BoR use. The QM will have the right and ability to determine how long to hold items (if not requested over time), and how many of a given item type to hold. If determined that there is a surplus of items, the QM can either move these items into the BoR main (pantry) bank for use/breakdown, or provide them to the Craftmaster for breakdown with the resulting components being place in the warehouse.
Guild Bank Liquidation:
In the event guild dissolution is invoked (as per the Constitution and Bylaws), all guild in game assets, such as mats, items, and any other in-game assets (including the Events Prize Fund) that can be, will be liquidated with the resulting gold and remaining “stuff” evenly distributed amongst the currently active full members of the guild at the time of dissolution.
1. Bank rules overview (bullet format) to be posted in the Banking Forum.
Bank Structure
* The Secondary bank is used as a warehouse, and contains materials to be used by guild crafters to create items for members and non-crafted items donated by members for member use only. Materials stored in the Warehouse are not to be used for leveling purposes.
Bank Procedures
* Stuff deposited into either bank or sent to the Quartermaster are to be considered donated to the guild. Gold can be refunded if requested within 24 hours of the deposit.
* BoR members will have withdrawal /sell access after completing probation.
* Hoarding is not permitted. Items withdrawn or requested should be below, at the character's level, or up to two levels above their character.
* BoR staff is asked to re-stack the guild bank by running Roomba periodically to compress the item level. (All members may do so)
* If a member has "stuff" they feel should be placed into the warehouse, they are to contact the Quartermaster or BoR staff to make the donation. "Stuff" to be donated should never be deposited into the main (pantry) bank.
* Be mindful not to deposit item on the "not desired" list (see Banking forum).
* No BoR member at any level is permitted to sell or use materials to make items to sell that are taken from the BoR bank or warehouses. Members who do so will face penalties including and/or leading to removal from the guild.
* Do not hog resources. Always leave some of a resource behind unless there is 20 or less of that resource.
Guild Store / Kiosk
* Stuff placed in the Guild Store/Kiosks are not to be created or taken from the guild banks.
* The BoR will rotate through the DC and Adventure zones week to week when bidding on and placing Kiosks.
* At no time will no more than 25% of the bank balance be used for a Kiosk bid.
2. Bank Inventory Guide
The following lists are baseline inventory guides. The QM will have the ability to adjust this list via the required Bank Inventory Guide thread referenced above.
“Stuff” desired to stock in the main (pantry) bank
- Triple potions (Health, Mana, and Stamina) of all level ranges.
- Rare mats
- Motif books
Do not put in the main (pantry) bank
- Foul hide
- Carapace
- All other "for gold" items that have no crafting purposes.
- Items (including armor and weapons) intended for any use other than breakdown.
The Secondary (warehouse) banks will hold
- Donated (non crafted) Armor
- Bulk mats
- Motif books