Public Chat
Ok, I feel like an idiot
I started a guild application this morning on my Mac but didn't complete it until tonight because I needed to confirm my ESO username on my PC at home.
When I finally hit the submit button it put me back at the 'create an account' page, yet I got an email saying I created an account. So, I'm not sure that my carefully crafted essay got to the right people.
Point and laugh all you like, I'm good for that. But if someone could let me know if the essay got lost that would be divine.
Hi there! Oh no :( What's your ESO handle and we'll have a check for you. I was scared of this happened when I applied so was my partner wolfblass - we done ours on word.
~ Caldre ~ Elder Council ~
The English chick who'll teach awesome tricks in AvA!
I know the voices in my head aren't real..... but sometimes their ideas are just absolutely awesome!